Die Rebellin in mir

Wochenend-Workshop für starke Frauen – oder solche, die es werden wollen

when good is not good enough

13. November 2018 / general

My coaching experience has taught me that perfectionism is one of the main reasons why people get stressed. We want to do everything 1000% correct – but what good does it do us? Not much. It can even be harmful to us: We take far too much time to complete one thing and have insufficient time for other tasks. Perfectionists also have trouble actually getting started with work and reaching decisions. After all, there is a risk that it may not be perfect…

In a survey of the most common stress triggers, Human Capital Care Magazine reached the same conclusions as I did in my coaching: 23% of the individuals surveyed said that the demands they place on themselves are their most frequent cause of stress. Clearly, our bosses have expectations and define objectives that we need to achieve. However, we set ourselves even bigger targets – and logically, we then fall short of them time and again. The hunt for perfection is never-ending, as www.karrierebibel.de observes. After all, no one will always be perfect in every area!!!

Why is it that we sabotage ourselves? Why is good never good enough? To help you understand this better, I would first like to explain the distinctive characteristics of a perfectionist:



You may rightly say that I am drawing an extreme picture here. However, many of us have a slight tendency towards perfectionism (if that is even possible in the case of perfectionists…).


Good is better than perfect

Admittedly, there are professions in which “one can achieve something if one is absolutely fanatical about quality”, as the psychotherapist Rolf Merkle correctly notes. When we get on a plane or have an operation, we are dependent on there ideally being no mistakes. But this does not apply to all professions and certainly not to our private lives.

Here are some specific steps you can take to combat this self-exploitation:



It is a matter of learning that in every situation, you can consciously decide for yourself how much effort you want to invest and when it is time to say to yourself that you have done enough. Of course, you can’t learn that overnight. This is a difficult process but it is well worth it. You will become more relaxed and confident. I wish you every success on your journey towards discovering that “good is good enough”!


© Claudia Kraaz